Category Archives: real life intrudes

magic elves 2009, part 4 – Coda

Full set of photos here.


elves09 part 4

Normally, magic elves go back to the North Pole with Santa on Christmas Eve. But we got special permission to keep ours with us a little longer, since Auntie J was coming just after Christmas for a visit and we wanted to introduce them.

So the mischief lasted a little longer. A “snowdrift” of styrofoam, reading a book about flower fairies on top of the tallest bookshelf, setting up the Star Wars and Littlest Pet Shop figures in the kids’ room…. On the last day the elves were thoughtful enough to bring a couple of giant Christmas pencils and set up the homeschool books for the day. They also left notes requesting that the kids pack up their clothes and items for their return trip.

Altogether, it was a wonderful visit. We are definitely inviting the elves back again (in fact, the kids want to invite a couple more to join in as well), though they likely won’t stay quite as long this time.

magic elves 2009, part 3 – Christmas Eve

Larger photos in the set here.

Christmas Eve

elves09 part 3

Ever since Halloween I hadn’t been able to find my little point and shoot camera. APPARENTLY the elves found it, because the next morning we found an interesting mini-tripod setup in front of the tree, and a ton of photos on the camera. Peeking into the frig, out of the microwave, eating their crackers, climbing in the tree, cuddling their kids – and even a couple on Santa’s boots. Clearly a busy evening – and what else would you expect for elves on Christmas Eve?

magic elves 2009, part 2 – Adventures

Check out these photos larger: the set is here.


elves09 part 2
The next morning when we woke up the elves were no longer in their bed. We’d been warned there would probably be mischief, hide and seek, and other unexpected adventures (some people call them elf-capades, but that sounds a little too much like an ice dancing show for me). But then – we opened the frig, and there they were! I guess they missed the cold.

Most days the elves’ main activity was hide and seek. We made them some clothes – pajamas shown here. Some of their other adventures included trying to untangle Christmas lights, stacking up all the Christmas movies (and bringing a new one – Elf), playing on the swing set and the tricycle outside, and getting out all the playdough in the house. They hid in cupboards and the silverware drawer. They started up the computer and were found playing Lego Star Wars one morning, found some tiny playing cards that I had as a child and were interrupted in the middle of a card game.

My son’s birthday is in early December, and so one day they brought a gift – toy reindeer (they also got out our claymation Rudolph dvd set – it stays in the Christmas decor box the rest of the year), and one day they brought little Christmas themed coloring books and crayons. Another morning they were waiting expectantly with a gingerbread house kit, and once they took all the cookie making supplies and stacked them on the stool in the middle of the kitchen (with themselves in the plastic bowl at the top of the tower).

The best thing was probably the night that my daughter’s friend slept over and brought HER elf Ginger with her – the next morning they were nowhere to be found. But what was that? Our car was all turned around and askew – NOT how we left it the night before. When we went out to see what was up we discovered a team effort – Ginger steering, Priscilla buckled in (no doubt navigating) and Mickey working the gas petal. (And boy, you should’ve seen the half-delighted, half-freaked look on the kids’ faces.) I told the elves that next time they took the car out they should really bring back pizza.

magic elves 2009, part 1 – Arrival


First of all, if you’d like to see these photos larger, the set is here.

So as I mentioned before, I first saw these elf shenanigans on Marci Lambert’s Make Art Every Day blog. And it looked awesome. I checked out Elf Magic and ordered a couple of tickets for two elves to come visit us last year.


elves09 part 1
Our elves arrived just after Thanksgiving as we were putting up Christmas decorations – they appeared on the doorstep in a basket with helium balloons. They brought magic snowflakes and elf sacks, as promised when I got their tickets. They also brought a little suitcase with some extra clothing, passports, and files on each of the kids, complete with a tiny elf-drawn sketch, likes and dislikes, and naughty/nice status. Also – blank paper to add notes as the month wore on. Which they did, weekly or so.

Their names were Priscilla Snowflake and Mickey McFrost. Judging by her loopy handwriting and abundant use of exclamation points, Priscilla was very excited about her visit. It turned out that Mickey was more cautious, having had a bad experience the year before while visiting a boy who was on the Naughty List.

Anyway, we tucked them into bed (used a shallow Amazon box with some of the airfilled packing material as a mattress; we had a candy-cane striped fleece blanket as well which I later sewed into two sleeping bags), sprinkled them with the magic snowflakes as instructed, and set out some crackers and water (their favorite snack – the crackers are crunchy like North Pole snow and the cold water is like melted snowflakes). As you can see, when we awoke the next morning they had also gotten into a leftover muffin…

belated Halloween ’10

10 30 10 111

All of us – plus an aunt and a friend.

(I am a pioneer, in case you can’t tell from the folded back bonnet.)


10 30 10 016

10 30 10 038Blue fairy.

10 30 10 072Ash and Pikachu!

10 30 10 051

today, in brief

  • sore throat
  • headache
  • staying home with my boy
  • snuggles with my boy
  • crockpot apples
  • chicken soup
  • digiscrap shopping
  • watching Toy Story 3
  • reading talks online
  • robe
  • laptop
  • webcomics
  • non-stellar blog post
  • time for bed


I have some Thoughts in the works, but it’s practically tomorrow, so I’ll just share a slice of my list for now…

  • drive to the City
  • Costco
  • deliver gift and photo disc
  • pick up shower thingie from friend & visit
  • check out Joann’s? if only my printer worked so I could print coupons…
  • find stupid plot book, doggone it
  • work on plotting a novel (that’s my goal this month, rather than quite NaNoWriMo-ing it)
  • make veggie lasagna
  • have friends over – hang out and play some games, perhaps
  • perhaps do a small amount of online shopping and digiscrapping in honor of Digital Scrapbook Day
  • finish the aforementioned Thoughtful Post and put it up here

Well, I’m sure there’s more, but no need to tax your patience. Till tomorrow.

life update, in pictures

In a slide show. Or you can access the set here on Flickr.

life update, in words

Well, nearly a year off from this blog has not magically resolved my previously mentioned issues with blogging. I haven’t been reading other blogs very regularly either. I fear I have come to no decisions. (Except to do NaBloPoMo this year?) It’s hard to escape the feeling that (well, after a year, duh!) no one really cares. The question, the REAL question is – do I?

ANYWAY, how about a life update? I will indulge your curiosity! The hypothetical you! 🙂

  • Have been doing a P365 project. I’m most of the summer behind with assembly, but hey, still going. That’s exciting.
  • I’m about fifty pounds lighter than I was this time last year. I want to want to exercise more. But – progress is good.
  • In a wild turn of events – we have purchased our first house! Next door to where we were living before even. It was a complicated process (is it always?) partly because we ended up getting it at auction. The really wild part is that most of it happened while I wasn’t even in the state. Anyway, I am liking living here thus far. We have some projects to do (which is wild for me, having lived in rented houses most of my life and never having even painted a wall), not the least of which is unpacking and finding a home for everything. But it’s a beautiful house (in my opinion) and we have lots of space. Very, very exciting (plus we also have acquired a minivan… oh how I adore having a car!).
  • I’ve been interpreting ASL at church for most? all? of this year. I think I started the end of last year? Maybe just before Christmas? ANYWAY, regardless, I enjoy it. I’m not super awesome at it yet (I need more practice), but I find it fascinating. (Certainly preferable to teaching 5 year olds. Oops, did I say that out loud?)
  • My children keep growing. What is UP with that?

So, those are the highlights, I think. Some things change, some don’t, some haven’t yet. I will provide you with some photo highlights soon.

talking to myself again

Most definitely.

So. How’s your food-induced coma coming along? Mine’s fine. I’ve been enjoying some amazing shortbread cookies (Shortbread buttons from Trader Joe’s – good gracious they’re good), as well as leftovers of course.

I’ve been working on clearing the house, preparing for Christmas decorating, talking to my dad and sister, watching some Notting Hill. Also putting together an advent calendar (post forthcoming) and sorting magazines.

So much always going on in my head lately. Too much planning… or not enough? I think my problem with planning is I don’t know what IS enough. Too much procrastination in my past, so I know about no preparation, but when I try to be on the ball I overthink and overwork and overplan things. I don’t know how much planning is enough, so I don’t know when to stop, so then I don’t stop. And consequently, often don’t start because the prospect of never stopping is so daunting. (Not to mention anxiety-inducing.)

I’m thinking about taking my blog down. Did I mention? Or passwording it. Or giving it up altogether. Or possibly writing every other day for a few more months. I am nothing if not extreme.